Discovery Park is located in West Seattle.
[The west point light house is symbol in Discovery Park.]
Yesterday is Veterans Day in America. I didn't have to go to class. So I wanted to go somewhere. Because nowadays, I have been bored. Since fall quarter started, I didn't do anything. I got a lot of happenings and I thought I got a bad luck. Anyway I had to take a rest.
Finally, yesterday I hung out alone to go to park that is Discovery Park. I would be there about 25 minutes from my house. There is at down of the Ballard in West Seattle.
The Discovery Park has military camps, so if you go in to the park, you must be careful that don't go in to the restricted area.
When I went to there, I felt there is common American villages. I thought that looks like house in America movie. There has a little bit people and there was so calm.
I followed loop trail course, but I was very confused. Because I parked East of Parking lot. But if I wanted to see the light house, I had to go to West and then there was too far. I walked for 40 minutes to go to the light house. By the way, If you guys want to see the light house, you should go to West of Parking lot or you can go to near by the light house to drive.
When I arrived there, at that time was already 4 pm. I wanted to take some picture, but I couldn't. To make matters worse, the day was become dark soon. And when I went back to parking lot, nobody was in there. I was so scared and I quickly come out the beach.
Anyway, yesterday I had refreshed mind. It was nice day.
영어로 쓰는게 생각보다 훨씬 어렵구나. 지금 미국에 있는만큼, 블로그에 영어로 블로깅을 한번 해볼까 마음을 먹고, 오랜만에 포스팅에 영어로 블로깅을 해보았다. 말도 안되는 문법, 상황에 맞지 않는 단어 선택들이 눈에 많이 보일듯하다. 하지만 그래도! 오늘 하루, 이렇게 시작 했다는 것에 기분이 좋다. : D
하여튼, Discovery Park는 간만에 기분 전환을 해주는 그런 방문이었던 것 같다.
나중에 가면 노을도 한번 보고, 좀 찾아보고 가서 West Point View를 한번 가봐야겠다. 이상 끝!
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